Why CIOS Security?
CIOS Security Crowd Control services may include:
- Monitoring and control of entry into your venue as well as checking for underage or intoxicated customers.
- Monitoring crowd or individual behaviour and communicating any potential issues to staff.
- Managing any abusive, aggressive or violent behaviour with a focus on diffusing any situations before they escalate.
- Taking care of first aid or crucial care in the aftermath of an incident or altercation.
- Assisting with and coordinating any emergency evacuation of your venue or event that may be required.
This means you can have peace of mind that your event will run smoothly and your guests/patrons will be kept safe.
What kind of events can we help with?
At CIOS Security, we can help keep a range of events secure so you can focus on making your event a success.
Some examples of the kind of events/customers we can offer crowd control for are shown below.



Sporting Events

Hotel Functions & Events

Restaurants & Bars

Expos & Trade Shows

Local Shows

Music Festivals